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Neuropsychiatric risk in children with intellectual disability of genetic origin: IMAGINE, a UK national cohort study

Neuropsychiatric risk in children with intellectual disability of genetic origin: IMAGINE, a UK national cohort study

Source : https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(22)00207-3/fulltext

Children with genomic variants and intellectual disability are at an increased risk of neuropsychiatric difficulties. CNV variant inheritance and socioeconomic deprivation also contribute to the risk. Early genomic investigations of children with intellectual disability could facilitate the identification of the most vulnerable children.

Interpretation: Children with genomic variants and intellectual disability are at an increased risk of neuropsychiatric difficulties. CNV variant inheritance and socioeconomic deprivation also contribute to the risk. Early genomic investigations of children with intellectual disability could facilitate the identification of the most vulnerable children. Additionally, harnessing parental expertise using online DAWBA assessments could rapidly identify children with exceptional needs to child mental health services.